Babar Ali

Babar Ali

Hi, I'm M. Touqeer. With six years of VULMS experience, my goal is to provide helpful content for everyone. Let's make VULMS easy and useful together!

Vulms Fake Calls Update: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

In light of recent events, Vulms (Virtual University Learning Management System) wants to ensure that all students are well-informed and secure against fraudulent activities. There have been significant updates concerning fake call scams that could potentially compromise your personal information.…

Download All Subjects VU Handouts in PDF Format

Navigating your Virtual University (VU) courses can be challenging without the right study materials. To excel, you need reliable resources, and VU Handouts are essential. This guide will explain what VU Handouts are, why they are important, and how you…

How to Create a VU Support Ticket

In the fast-paced world of online learning, accessing timely support is crucial for students navigating virtual learning environments like Virtual University (VU). Whether you’re facing technical issues or need academic assistance, learning how to create a VU support ticket can…

How to Find Important Announcements on VULMS?

In the bustling world of online education, staying updated with important announcements is crucial for students’ academic success. If you’re enrolled in Virtual University (VU), you’re likely familiar with the Virtual University Learning Management System (VULMS), the central hub for…

How to Access VU LMS on Different Devices?

Are you a student at Virtual University (VU) struggling to access the Learning Management System (LMS) on your various devices? Whether you’re using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, accessing VU LMS shouldn’t be a hassle. In this guide, we’ll walk…